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[ Baked Breaded Carrots ]
"No Left Overs with These Carrots"
Our family has been eating baked breaded carrots for years, they are a favorite at Thanksgiving. The children love them. Try them, and see the response. Arranging them on a platter with broccoli or stuffed mushrooms makes a colorful presentation.
Difficulty: 1 star
Servings: 2 carrots per person (The recipe below is for 3 servings.)
6 large carrots, greens removed, peeled.
Italian flavored bread crumbs
1 T of butter or margarine
1T of olive oil (use more if needed)
Clean and peel the carrots, and place whole in a pot of water and bring to a boil.
*Tip: My mother used to say; “If it grows in the ground, it goes in the pot of water. If it grows above the ground, bring the water to a boil and then, place the vegetable in the pot. “

2. Cook the carrots until until the carrot slides off the fork.
3. Place the bread crumbs on a plate. The diameter of the plate should be the length of your largest carrot.
4. Place the breaded carrots close together in an oven proof baking dish. I use a glass cooking dish.

Steps 1-6 can be done 1 day ahead of time.
5. Place small dabs of butter/margarine on the carrots.
6. Drizzle the olive oil over the carrots. Use more oil if you have a lot of carrots. The oil will make them crusty. If you cook stuff mushrooms drizzled with oil, use the same technique here.
7. Bake at 350F degrees, for about 20 minutes. You want the carrots to be crusty. Serve warm.
If there are any left over, we re-heat for next day. The flavors are even mellower.